Cloud Rainmaker Blog

Lizzie The Dog Teaches How To Deal With A Type of Annoying Employee!

22.07.24 11:56 AM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
Lizzie The Dog Teaches How To Deal With A Type of Annoying Employee!
I think my dog just demonstrated a lesson that applies to how we might handle the type of employee that is constantly pointing out problems.

Some workers were at my home picking up excess paving stones from the backyard and Lizzie (our little black rescue) started barking her head off as usual. My...

Want and easy way to copy/paste contact information from a record in Zoho CRM?

14.04.22 06:25 PM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
Want and easy way to copy/paste contact information from a record in Zoho CRM?

Sometimes you just want a quick copy and paste from your CRM so you could for example quickly send someone another contacts information by email. CRM systems such as Goldmine back in the 90s had this functionality built-in. Things get a bit trickier hen we are talking about cloud applications - thou...

"Everyone is so excited about the new system!" - said my Zoho CRM client

08.03.22 03:40 PM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
"Everyone is so excited about the new system!" - said my Zoho CRM client

"Everyone is so excited about the new system!"

I love to hear this. 

It tells me we are doing things right by listening to the employees to understand what they want out of the CRM system they will use every day. When end-users are not included in the discussion they become fearful that...

Maintain A Professional Business Phone Presence Even With Staff Working Remotely!

15.04.20 05:00 PM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
Maintain A Professional Business Phone Presence Even With Staff Working Remotely!
Voice over IP phone systems allow you to keep that professional image even with a remote workforce. Each person still enjoys their own extension connected to their cell phone, desk phone or computer without the need for extra phone lines.


20.03.20 02:08 PM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
Several software vendors have stepped up offering free tools and suites to help various organizations in need.

Announcing Google Ad Grant Management For Non-Profits!

12.03.20 03:59 PM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
Announcing Google Ad Grant Management For Non-Profits!
I'm pleased to announce that Raging Sanity Consultants is now offering Google Ad Grant Management Services for Non-Profits.

Sendōgo (SendOutCards) Now Integrates with Salesforce

16.08.19 12:34 PM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
Sendōgo (SendOutCards) Now Integrates with Salesforce

Imagine my surprise when I received a hand written card, the front of which was a photo of some of my barracks-mates from the Marines involved in some serious dress-code violations. I spend several minutes really thinking about this cool service. Apparently, what my friend Preston Mayon did was find...

Veterans Applying Their Skills To Endangered Animal Conservation

05.08.19 03:58 PM By Rich Astone - Comment(s)
Veterans Applying Their Skills To Endangered Animal Conservation
James West of Covalent International also founded the ARC Foundation to use the skills of veterans and others to aid in the conservation of endangered species.